“Un nuovo cinema politico italiano?” Vol. 2 published

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 12, 2014 by italianpoliticalcinema

The volume Un nuovo cinema politico italiano? Vol. 2 has now been published by Troubador Publishing, featuring eighteen essays on recent cinematic representations of Italy’s socio-political past, institutional power, and social marginalization.


As of February 2016, there have been over 11,100 views of this blog and visitors are thanked for their interest in this project.


Un nuovo cinema politico italiano? Vol. 2

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2014 by italianpoliticalcinema

Work is now complete on the second political cinema volume emerging from the AHRC project “A New Italian Political Cinema?”  The second volume focuses on the following themes: cinematic representations of Italy’s socio-political past; the Italian State, institutional power, and counter-hegemonic reactions; social marginalization on screen. Below is a definitive list of contents for the volume (published in September 2014).

Introduzione:  Cinema, società e impegno nel nuovo millennio

William Hope         


L’Italia tra Storia e Memoria        


Introduzione:  Il passato sociopolitico italiano nel cinema del nuovo millennio

Silvana Serra  


Il sangue pazzo dei vinti: la rappresentazione del fascismo nel

cinema italiano contemporaneo

Vito Zagarrio               


Da locus a logos: Terre rosse e Oscar di Dennis Dellai

Ilaria Serra   


Passione, potere egemonico e censura in Vincere! di Marco Bellocchio

Erminia Passannanti     


Tra ricordo e oblio: memoria culturale e nostalgia ne La meglio gioventù di

Marco Tullio Giordana e Mio fratello è figlio unico di Daniele Luchetti

Elena Caoduro                


Stato, potere istituzionale e contro-reazione       


Introduzione:  La polizia non ha le mani legate: Stato, oppressione istituzionale e reazione nel cinema italiano contemporaneo

Luciana d’Arcangeli                                                                                                              


Sud di Gabriele Salvatores: elementi profetici su Stato, reazione contro-egemonica e media

William Hope                                                                                                                        


Documentare il G8 a Genova dieci anni dopo: lo sguardo “fuori campo” in Black Block e in Solo limoni

Monica Jansen                              


Politica e sfera pubblica nel documentario italiano contemporaneo:

il caso di Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo

Mauro Sassi                     


Dalla Sindone al Caimano. Il polimorfismo somatico di Berlusconi nel cinema italiano contemporaneo

Federico Giordano                                                                                                             


Dissenso, potere e Chiesa cattolica nell’Italia contemporanea: un impegno anti-cattolico?

Clodagh Brook                                                                                                                  


Uccidete la democrazia! e Girlfriend in a Coma: Il nuovo documentario politico sull’Italia

Amanda Minervini                                                                                                              


Esplorare i margini e le periferie del cinema e della società               


Introduzione:  Marginalizzazione, esclusione sociale e disagio ambientale

nel cinema italiano del Ventunesimo Secolo

William Hope          


Cinema invisibile italiano: filmare il reale dai margini

Filippo Ticozzi                          


Osservazioni sulla retorica di Gomorra

Dom Holdaway           


La disabilità fuori dal mito: la rappresentazione della disabilità

nel cinema italiano indipendente

Sarah Patricia Hill         


Subalternità, alterità e genere in Respiro di Emanuele Crialese e

Sul mare di Alessandro D’Alatri

Patrizia Alessandra Muscogiuri                                                                                            

New Publication

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2013 by italianpoliticalcinema

The first volume of essays originating from the project A New Italian Political Cinema? was published in April 2013 by Troubador.



Below are details of the volume’s contents.  Work has already begun on the second volume, in which the following themes will be examined: Cinematic representations of Italy’s socio-political past;  social marginalization on screen;  filmic representations of the State, institutional repression, and counter-reaction.



a cura di

William Hope

Luciana d’Arcangeli

 Silvana Serra


Introduzione:  Un nuovo cinema politico italiano?

William Hope

Relazioni industriali e luoghi di lavoro nel cinema del nuovo millennio

Introduzione: Lavoro e alienazione nel cinema del XXI secolo

William Hope

Crisi, lavoro e sindacato nell’Italia di oggi

Fabiana Stefanoni

Donne al lavoro: il precariato e la femminilizzazione del lavoro nei film Signorina Effe di Wilma Labate, Mi piace lavorare – Mobbing di Francesca Comencini e Riprendimi di Anna Negri

Bernadette Luciano e Susanna Scarparo

La commedia del precariato in Tutta la vita davanti di Paolo Virzì

Maria Elena D’Amelio

Una politica dal volto umano: le Parole sante di Ascanio Celestini

Paolo Chirumbolo

‘Lasciate ogni speranza, o voi ch’entrate’ nella ThyssenKrupp. La messa in scena della realtà

Flavia Laviosa

Modernità liquida, lavoro e identità in Baci e abbracci di Paolo Virzì

Marco Paoli


Genere, sessualità e identità sociale

Introduzione: Un’altra metà del cielo: genere, sessualità e identità sociale nel cinema italiano

Luciana d’Arcangeli


La sconosciuta di Giuseppe Tornatore: la rivendicazione della soggettività materna

Piera Carroli

L’inetto e il melodramma maschile: L’uomo che ama di Maria Sole Tognazzi

Rebecca Bauman

Polis polisemica: Saturno contro di Ferzan Ozpetek con la sua polisemia micropolitica

Mattia Marino

Nuove donne di mafia sugli schermi

Luciana d’Arcangeli


Migrazione, multiculturalismo e relazioni interetniche


Introduzione:  Migrazione, Mercificazione e Integrazione nel Ventunesimo Secolo

William Hope               


Nessuna ‘giusta distanza’ fra immigrati e nativi. La lotta degli immigrati che ‘non vogliono nascondersi’

Patrizia Cammarata

Nuove Narrative sull’Altro: Arabi e Musulmani nel Cinema Italiano Contemporaneo

Michela Ardizzoni

Nostalgia e migrazione in Il vento fa il suo giro di Giorgio Diritti

Sabine Schrader

Bianco e Nero di Cristina Comencini: i nuovi italiani – questioni di identità e di marginalizzazione

William Hope e Mafunda Lucia Ndongala

La diaspora africana in Italia: immigrazione e identità nazionale in Waalo Fendo di Mohammed Soudani ed in Western Union: Small Boats di Isaac Julien

Shelleen Greene


Intervista a Giuseppe Tornatore:  Cinema, Società, Politica, a cura di William Hope

A New Italian Political Cinema? Initial Findings

Posted in Uncategorized on April 29, 2012 by italianpoliticalcinema

Below is the first set of findings to emerge from the events that have formed part of the project to date:

• Unlike political cinema in Italy forty years ago, Italian cinema today is an orphan of the political ideologies that animated the protest movements of the 60s/70s, and while a cinema predicated on socio-political themes can still be said to exist, it functions primarily at an intimate, personal micro level (this is the case for feature-length fiction) and often fails to connect the individual realities of people to broader macro-level political, social and economic phenomena.

• Political films and documentaries, particularly during the Berlusconi era, have often proved to be more effective in terms of political denunciation and what would traditionally be termed “investigative journalism” than the Italian press and news outlets (e.g. Sabina Guzzanti’s ‘Draquila’, concerning state corruption in the aftermath of the Abruzzo earthquake).

• There is an evolving body of internationally recognized prize-winning Italian cinematic work – notably shorts and medium-length work – which is predicated on ‘unfashionable’ socio-economic issues; the socially marginalized in Italian society, the ‘reception’ (detention) centres for migrants, etc. Such projects never receive the finance to become full-length, commercial projects but play a role in raising public awareness of certain issues.

• We have identified several cases of films being made by certain individuals who are themselves directly affected by socio-economic problems and political events. One example is the short film ‘A zupp è fasul’ made by the Ferrari car workers in Modena to highlight their battle against their management’s attempts to impose less favourable working conditions. Should this evolve into a discernible tendency, it represents a fascinating development within film-making – with real-life individuals, in the middle of their own ongoing ‘narratives’, recording their experiences in a cinematic form.

• Within mainstream, commercial film projects, there is a tendency to focus on the more ‘spectacular’, visible aspects of socio-economic problems and to neglect issues which, paradoxically, affect far greater numbers of people. A key example is the issue of migration to Italy. Films tend to focus on the traumatic arrival of the migrant (e.g. Crialese’s ‘Nuovomondo’) or the marginalization/exploitation of the migrant once s/he has entered the country. By contrast, issues such as the plight of tens of thousands of people of African origin who are born in Italy, individuals who are highly educated but who are denied Italian citizenship, are rarely publicized.

• The limited access and, indeed, exclusion of groups of film-makers from access to funds and resources is a more profound problem than is commonly imagined. Several workshop presentations and personal testimonies highlighted the ongoing difficulties faced by film-makers of non-Italian ethnic origins and by film-makers with political projects in gaining access to the Italian film industry’s funds, resources and collaborative opportunities.




Posted in Uncategorized on February 5, 2012 by italianpoliticalcinema

Many thanks to all the speakers and participants who took part in the recent conference to conclude the first phase of the project “A New Italian Political Cinema?”.  A range of photographs can be found on the Manchester Conference Photos page.


Posted in Uncategorized on September 12, 2011 by italianpoliticalcinema

The concluding event in the first phase of “A New Italian Political Cinema?” will be a conference that will take place at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY:  http://www.anthonyburgess.org/   The venue is in Manchester city centre and is five minutes’ walk from Manchester Oxford Road train station.

The event will begin on the evening of Friday, January 27th and will continue all day on the 28th.   The conference programme is published below:  Sessions 1, 2 and 4 will be in Italian.  Session 3 will be in English.  Conference papers will be of approximately 15 minutes’ duration.

DAY ONE:      Friday, January 27th,  19.30–21.30

19.30–19.45:  Introduction (in English):  William Hope (University of Salford, GB): Political Cinema: Cinematic Mainstreams and Peripheries

SESSIONE 1:  19.45–21.05.    Girare nelle zone rosse:  azione popolare e repressione di Stato  (in italiano)

Silvana Serra (Società Dante Alighieri, Manchester e iscritta Cgil):  Verità filmiche su violenza di Stato e mistificazione della realtà nella storia recente d’Italia: Draquila di Sabina Guzzanti. 

Monica Jansen  (Università di Utrecht / Università di Anversa):  Trauma o utopia?  Repressione e rivolta nelle visualizzazioni del G8 a Genova.

Filippo Ticozzi  (regista):  Video-appunti guatemaltechi.

Proiezione di una sequenza del film di Filippo Ticozzi, Lettere dal Guatemala.

Domande / dibattito

21.05:    Rinfresco


DAY TWO:      Saturday,  January 28th,   11.30–17.20

SESSIONE 2:    11.30–13.00.    Sguardi diversi sul dramma della migrazione  (in italiano)

11.30–11.50:   Introduzione generale:  William Hope (Università di Salford, GB):  Una panoramica degli eventi realizzati nel progetto Un nuovo cinema politico italiano?        Introduzione alla sessione:  Federica Mazzara (University College, Londra): L’accento mancato: il cinema della migrazione in Italia.

Patrizia Muscogiuri  (Università di Salford): Terraferma, tra plauso e contestazioni: Distorsioni mediatiche, deformazioni linguistiche e la clandestinità delle politiche italiane sull’immigrazione.

Vito Zagarrio (Università Roma Tre):  Lo sguardo della migrazione: la messa in scena del cinema italiano che rappresenta l’immigrazione.

Carlo Michele Schirinzi  (regista):  Spostamenti tellurici: un calcio alla democrazia cinematografica.

Proiezione del cortometraggio di Carlo Michele Schirinzi,  Notturno stenopeico.

Domande / dibattito

13.00–14.00:        Pranzo


SESSION 3:    14.00–15.20.      Filming Modern Italian Society: Migration and Integration (in English)

Introduction: William Hope (University of Salford)   

Pauline Small  (Queen Mary, University of London): 21st Century Boat People

Guido Bonsaver  (University of Oxford):  Immigration and the Politics of the Italian Film Industry

Luciana d’Arcangeli  (Flinders University, Adelaide): Making the Invisible Visible in Francesco Patierno’s Cose dell’altro mondo (2011)

Questions / discussion

15.20–16.00:      Break


SESSIONE 4:     16.00–17.15.       Lavorare ai margini: il cinema e i lavoratori invisibili d’Italia  (in italiano)

Introduzione:    William Hope (Università di Salford, GB):  L’importanza della visibilita’ per le problematiche del lavoro in Italia:  i metalmeccanici della Ferrari come registi

Marco Paoli (Università di Liverpool):  Modernità liquida e identità nelle tragicommedie di Paolo Virzì

Áine O’Healy (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles):  Destinata ad assistere: la badante nel cinema contemporaneo

Domande / dibattito

17.15–17.20:     Concluding remarks

This event is free and open to the public, but there will be a guest list; anyone interested in attending as an observer is asked to contact the organizer, William Hope, who will register your name for the day(s) that you wish to attend (please specify the 27th and/or 28th):  W.Hope@salford.ac.uk    Unfortunately, it will not be possible to turn up on the day and attend the event without having registered in advance.

Cremona Workshop Photos

Posted in Uncategorized on July 26, 2011 by italianpoliticalcinema

Many thanks to all the participants who contributed to what was an excellent event.  Selected photographs from the workshop can be found below.  The final event in the first phase of the project will take place in Manchester on January 27th/28th 2012.  Information regarding this event will be circulated via this blog from October onwards.



Posted in Uncategorized on May 28, 2011 by italianpoliticalcinema

The following programme can be considered to be definitive.  The workshop will take place at the Hotel Impero, Cremona, on July 9th, 2011.  Presentations will be in Italian and last 10 minutes; they will outline work in progress and pose questions for further discussion.

Although the workshop programme is full, with no further space for new speakers, places are still available to attend the workshop in an observational capacity. There will, however, be a formal guest list for the event and places are unlikely to be available on the day of the workshop. If you wish to attend the Cremona event as an observer, please contact William Hope (W.Hope@salford.ac.uk) and your name will be added to the guest list.


10.00-10.40:  Registration

10.40-10.50:  Introduction

William Hope (The University of Salford, GB.  Co-ordinator of the project A New Italian Political Cinema?):  Political Cinema: Screening the Effects of Capitalism


Amanda Minervini (Brown University, Providence, USA; activist in the Popolo Viola movement): Enrico Deaglio and Beppe Cremagnani’s Uccidete la democrazia: Mathematical Obscenities and Statistical Resistance in Post-Constitutional Italy

Clodagh Brook (The University of Birmingham, GB): Impegno, Protest, and the Catholic Church in Italy

Federico Giordano (The University of Udine): From the ‘Shroud’ to the ‘Caimano’. The Somatic Polymorphism of Silvio Berlusconi in Italian Cinema.

Mauro Sassi (McGill University, Montreal, Canada): Francesca Comencini’s Carlo Giuliani, ragazzo – A Counterhegemonic Documentary

12.00-12.30:  Refreshments


Introduction:  Luciana d’Arcangeli (Flinders University, Adelaide): Why does Italian cinema still need to turn to the past?

Pauline Small (Queen Mary, London GB): Post-political Cinema: Amelio, Giordana, Garrone 

Flavia Brizio-Skov (University of Tennessee): A New Italian Political Cinema: Is There One? Daniele Luchetti’s Mio fratello è figlio unico          

Ilaria Serra  (Florida Atlantic University, USA): Cinema and polis in the films of Dennis Dellai

1.30-2.30:  Lunch


Patrizia Cammarata  (Partito di Alternativa Comunista):  The Migrant Experience in Contemporary Italy

Michela Ardizzoni  (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA): New Narratives of the Other: Arabs and Muslims in Italian Cinema                                       

Sabine Schrader (University of Innsbruck, Austria): Migration and Nostalgia in Giorgio Diritti’s Il vento fa il suo giro                                   

Yasmina Khamal  (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium): Alex Infascelli’s Almost Blue : The noir metropolis, marginal identities and socially committed cinema                                    

Sally Hill  (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand):  Representing Disability in 21st Century Italian Cinema                                                     

4.00-4.30:  Refreshments


Fabiana Stefanoni  (Partito di Alternativa Comunista):  Workers, Trade Unions and Capital in 21st Century Italy

Paolo Chirumbolo (Louisiana State University, USA): Ascanio Celestini’s Parole sante – the Call Centre Workers of Atesia 

Maria Elena D’Amelio  (SUNY Stony Brook, USA): The comedy of ‘precarious’ lifestyles in Paolo Virzì’s Tutta la vita davanti

Marco Paoli (The University of Liverpool, UK): Paolo Virzì’s Baci e abbracci: Class Conflict and Illusionary Happiness

Flavia Laviosa  (Wellesley College, USA)  “‘Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate’ in ThyssenKrupp”: Pietro Balla and Monica Repetto’s ThyssenKrupp Blues

Andrea Righi   (University of Puerto Rico, MAYAGUEZ):  Filming Capitalist Accumulation in Italy. In fabbrica (2007) and I Like to Work (Mobbing) (2004) by Francesca Comencini                                             

6.10-6.20:  Closing Remarks

7.00:  Aperitivo

Adelaide Workshop – Photos

Posted in Uncategorized on May 9, 2011 by italianpoliticalcinema

Many thanks to all the presenters and participants for making the Adelaide workshop a great success.


Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2011 by italianpoliticalcinema

10.00-10.30: Registration

10.30–10.50:  Start of proceedings: Welcome by Prof. Graham Tulloch, Dean of School of Humanities, Flinders University Introduction: William Hope (University of Salford): A New Italian Political Cinema? Global Perspectives (in English)

10.50 – 11.30: Session One: Susanna Scarparo (Monash University) & Bernadette Luciano (University of Auckland): Reframing Italy: The New Wave of Italian Women Filmmakers (in English)

11.30-11.50: Refreshments 1

1.50–12.50: Session Two: Conversation with the writer/director Filippo Ticozzi • Filippo Ticozzi: Il mio lavoro (in Italian – interpreting available, if needed) • Screening of Dall’altra parte della strada (2010, 30 mins., Italian with English subtitles) • Q&As in Italian and/or English (interpreting provided)

12.50-1.50: Lunch

1.50–2.50: Session Three: • Piera Carroli (ANU): Roberta Torre’s Mare nero: 21st Century’s Politics of the Body – Back to Mannequins? (in Italian) • Luciana d’Arcangeli (Flinders University): Donne di Mafia cambiano (in Italian) • Stefano Bona (Flinders University): La stella che non c’e’ by Gianni Amelio – Italy, globalisation and the re-discovery of different cultures (in Italian)

2.50-3.10: Refreshments 3.10–4.10:

Session Four: • William Hope (The University of Salford): Sabina Guzzanti – Political Opposition Through Cinematic Expression (in English) • Lara Palombo (Macquarie University): Framing Diasporic and Transnational Women’s Lives: Entering in a dialogue with Fistful of Flies, Looking for Alibrandi and La Spagnola (in English) • Sally Hill (Victoria University of Wellington): Images of Disability in Contemporary Italian Cinema (in English)

4.10-4.20: Closing Remarks